O.R. Advances Through Collaboration (ORACL)


OR Advances through Collaboration—accelerating the impact of world class research.

Academia is NOT Las Vegas. What happens in Operations Research departments should not STAY in Operations Research departments. Yet over the past 30 years the lag time between OR research and application has actually grown bigger. Cornell’s School of Operations Research and Information Engineering (ORIE) is establishing ORACL to address this glaring problem.

Founding companies who join the membership-based ORACL will have both influence and access. And through this influence and access they will gain a competitive advantage.

Companies will have the opportunity to influence the types of research projects professors and graduate students undertake at Cornell. If a company sees certain OR challenges looming in the middle-term future, they can work with professors to design research questions that will address these challenges.

Projects will involve faculty and students from an OR department with a long and distinguished record of leadership and innovation in the field of data driven decision-making. Member companies will also participate in annual workshops where faculty, post-docs and PhD students will provide updates on the latest developments in machine learning, simulation, and optimization.

Through ORACL, Cornell’s School of Operations Research and Information Engineering will gain stronger ties to leading users of OR as well as important information about the challenges the member companies see themselves facing in the coming years. And the gap between research and application will shrink, which is in everyone’s interest.

Contact Us
Brenda Dietrich
[email protected]
(607) 255-5388


  • Cornell’s first affiliates program
  • 10-20 member enterprises
  • $75K/year with discount for multi-year commitment
  • Two ORACL workshops/year, one in Ithaca and one at Cornell Tech
  • Influence research directions
  • Early insight into project progress, findings and results
  • Access to faculty, post-docs and students